Yet back through the haze I remember with aweI was very fortunate to meet and talk with trainman Alan Palm at the one Brookmere meet he attended as for most summers he had other family commitments. He was the perfect resource for a modeler with a great love of his job as a railroader on the Kettle Valley and a keen mind for detail which he was glad to share. I pumped him for all I could get. He wrote an interesting monograph of his days on the KV that used to be available through the Penticton Museum. I have read it many times. It is well worth acquiring if still in print.
We were the best damn railroaders this world ever saw.

It took a lot of time to set up but the effort and cost of the trailer rental was well worth the investment as it turned out. The response was all I could hope for with many people coming for a look and staying for extended discussion (and not a few friendly arguments). I had a small tape machine going and managed to get some of the conversations recorded. The following year, I took all 4 sections up and got the same response and the information that was flowing. Unfortunately, nowhere near enough was recorded or noted in writing.
A few photos taken by my friend Colin, of the first display are here presented. As you can see, the interest of those gathered is tangible. But the lighting was not at all flattering for the layout.
An overview of the layout which is only 3/4 present, the western end remaining at home. Many structures are not represented or are unfinished. The layout was operational although the visitors were not all that interested, preferring to talk about this or that adventure. In the narration would come out a detail that I could ask further about.

I did learn about the turntable's unique qualities and and then how one of the inexperienced hostlers drove some brand new GP-7's through a set of doors on the roundhouse.
Many of my rolling stock models were generic at that time and I was not particularly proud of them.
Here I am asking about the ashpit; specifically did it still exist in 1949? Answer was that it was gone by late 1950. One more reason to choose 1949 as my target year since it is a nice feature to model. This from the fellow in the cowboy hat who was the young hostler mentioned in a previous post. The one who sent three freight cars on a freewheeling trip down to Brodie. Engineman Tubby Moore in the red cap argued with Conductor Gus about a few things in good fun but both were very informative about how they worked the yard. Fireman Wilf (blue cap) had a few stories to tell and provided music on his accordion at the nightly campfire. My recorder is in hand. Hope I turned it on for this conversation.
Here are Wilf and Evelyn discussing things about life in the small railway village while looking at old photographs. Evelyn grew up in Brookmere and had things to share about her childhood activities, one of which we will get to. Wilf fired engines up and down the Coquihalla for three years or so. Being a handy, mechanically-inclined fellow, he maintained the stationary engine for the hoist on the Coal Chute when it was situated on the main track in addition to his duties as a fireman. To one of my questions he affirmed that his engines on occasion, did indeed run light down the Coquihalla sub for a push back up. He quit in 1944, choosing to pursue a career in automotive mechanics.
On the second trip, the layout looked more complete but unfortunately, we have no photos of it. Several fellows did a lot of taping and one of them made a short documentary of the Brookmere Campout experience with a short feature on our modeling efforts.
Next up will be some information on how the crews worked Brookmere railyard and how we work the model version. Until then...
Coquihalla Man
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